Thursday, 30 December 2010


For our storyboard we have attempted to create the most accurate plan of what our production will turn out like. We have done this to create visually what the product will turn out like, as a document to refer to when filming the video.

In creating the storyboard, I decided to arrange the shotlist so that each shot gives an accurate description of the framing, lens used as well as camera movement, and the song lyrics which are sung during the shot, as to inform the vocalist what to sing as well as to make editing easier. As it is a rock video we are filming, we realise a general convention is to have many fast paced shots, and so our storyboard is approximately 110 shots long, but might change either way during the editing stages.

The picture below was taken after the filming of these scenes, and we had crossed them out to show that they had been filmed, a necessary process when doing so many different shots.

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