Day three of our filming was again focused on narrative shots but this time with the introduction of the female character; filming shots of the protagonist's failed attempts to attract her attention. For this day we knew we would need a variety of shots to reflect the different parts of the song where narrative shots are used, as the tempo and intensity of the music varies greatly between the verses, build ups and choruses, and one of our main aims was for the pace and length of our shots to reflect the mood of the song. We stuck to our storyboard in order to minimise filming time while also filming some other shots as well to be used in the video should we feel as though we need more footage, or that a certain storyboarded shot does not have the desired effect, and needs replacing.
The day focused around the two narratives characters and the interaction, or lack of interaction, between them. |
The location chosen for this was the area surrounding myrtle park in Bingley, as it is often void of many passers by, allowing for only the characters to be shown in shot, both to reflect the protagonists' isolated state of mind and also so the focus stays always on the characters. We believe this was a good choice of location also due to the vast amounts of natural light, which made filming much easier. Here we filmed a mix of handheld and tripod shots, as even attempting to use the dolly outdoors would not be practical, and also on certain shots we panned the camera across to achieve a similar effect to that of the dolly.
Picture of filming the scenes of the protagonist
Overall the day was very successful and filming was done with minimal set backs, allowing for us to film everything we had planned, thus taking us one step closer to having a finished product.
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